MULTIRES: MULTI-level framework to enhance seismic RESilience of RC buildings

Overview of the project

MULTIRES aims to develop an advanced, harmonised, multi-level framework to assess earthquake risk of existing Reinforced Concrete (RC) buildings in earthquake-prone regions and to design/select practice-oriented, cost-effective, seismic resilience-enhancing solutions (e.g. structural retrofit, risk-transfer products).

The framework will benefit several seismic-prone countries (e.g. Greece, Italy, Romania), for which most of the existing buildings are designed according to pre-seismic codes and where, RC buildings represent the highest share from 1960s onwards (e.g. 48% in Italy). Two levels of analysis refinement will be considered, single buildings vs. building portfolios, specifically tailored to the expected needs/goals of different stakeholders: building owners and government agencies/(re)insurance companies. A coherent treatment of risk and uncertainty in each project’s task will promote dynamic and informed decision-making aiming at seismic resilience.

MULTIRES builds on probabilistic catastrophe risk modelling and seismic performance assessment of existing RC building grounds. State of the art/practice is advanced providing flexible analysis methods for fragility and vulnerability assessment and their implementation tools.

Through world-leading research training and co-development, the project contributes to create a holistic culture of risk awareness and resilience in Europe, reflecting a strong commitment to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Output International Journal Papers

  1. Gentile, and Galasso. (2021). Surrogate Probabilistic Seismic Demand Modelling of Inelastic SDoF Systems for Efficient Earthquake Risk Applications. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics in press.
  2. Gentile, Pampanin, and Galasso. (2021). A Computational Framework for Selecting the Optimal Combination of Seismic Retrofit and Insurance Coverage. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering in press (October).
  3. Nettis, Gentile, Raffaele, Uva, and Galasso. (2021). Cloud Capacity Spectrum Method: Accounting for Record-to-Record Variability in Fragility Analysis Using Nonlinear Static Procedures. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 150 (November): 106829.
  4. Sevieri, Gentile, and Galasso. (2021). A Multi-Fidelity Bayesian Framework for Robust Seismic Fragility Assessment. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics accepted.
  5. Freddi, Novelli, Gentile, Veliu, Andreev, Andonov, Greco, and Zhuleku. (2021). Observations from the 26th November 2019 Albania Earthquake: The Earthquake Engineering Field Investigation Team (EEFIT) Mission. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 19 (7): 2993–94.
  6. Gentile, and Galasso. (2021). Simplicity versus Accuracy Trade-off in Estimating Seismic Fragility of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 144 (May): 106678.
  7. Gentile, and Galasso. (2021). Hysteretic Energy‐based State‐dependent Fragility for Ground‐motion Sequences. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 50 (4): 1187–1203.
  8. Gentile, and Galasso. (2020). Simplified Seismic Loss Assessment for Optimal Structural Retrofit of RC Buildings [Open Access]. Earthquake Spectra 37 (1).
  9. Aljawhari, Gentile, Freddi, and Galasso. (2020). Effects of Ground-Motion Sequences on Fragility and Vulnerability of Case-Study Reinforced Concrete Frames [Open Access]. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering in press.
  10. Gentile, Nettis, and Raffaele. (2020). Effectiveness of the Displacement-Based Seismic Performance Assessment for Continuous RC Bridges and Proposed Extensions. Engineering Structures 221.
  11. Gentile, Galasso, and Pampanin. (2020). Material-Property Uncertainties versus Structural Detailing: Relative Effect on the Seismic Fragility of Reinforced Concrete Frames. Journal of Structural Engineering 147 (4).
  12. Gentile, and Galasso. (2020). Accounting for Directivity-Induced Pulse-like Ground Motions in Building Portfolio Loss Assessment [Open Access]. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering in press.
  13. Gentile, and Galasso. (2020). Gaussian Process Regression for Seismic Fragility Assessment of Building Portfolios. Structural Safety 87 (101980).


This study has been funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 843794 (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Grants Scheme MSCA–IF–2018: MULTIRES, MULTI-level framework to enhance seismic RESilience of RC buildings).

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